My son Ethan has Cerebral Palsy-spastic diplegia.In July 2010 we had an adult stem cell treatment in hopes that our son would get his wish of having as he puts it "New Legs that Work". This blog is our story, adventure and progress.
This Blog is intended to educate as many as possible. Our story is unique as is each story of a special needs child.
Thank you!
Thank you!

Monday, April 30, 2012
Tomorrow is the at 9:30 a.m. In the meantime it's 11 pm and the tears ate streaming down my face as I attempt to make this update. Why? Partially out of sheer terror as a parents 1st instinct is to protect your child from pain ...I'm deliberately subjecting him to pain & a lot of it...if he was in a lot of pain I might not be feeling as bad but right now he's feeling great which I think is part of my issue...the other underlying reason is likely relief as this is what we've been waiting for... A chance for our son to walk and stand on his own.i will pass updates as I can tomorrow.
Until later,
Sunday, April 29, 2012
The day is almost here...
Well the big day is almost here...Ethan is so very excited however I am scared to death. Not sure I know what I'm scared of as the doctors at the Shriners are good drs...after all this is the surgery that we've dreamed of and worked so hard for. Maybe its taking away all that Ethan has worked for as of late, despite knowing that sometimes you have to take things away to give your child more. Maybe it's concern of the general unknown...who knows...but nevertheless we move on and our adventure continues.
So tomorrow we adventure on to our Pre -op appt and then off to some "fun"...aka Como Park. Surgery is currently scheduled for 7:30 a.m. Tuesday so I will update the blog as we know and hear more over the next few days.
Your prayers for strength, wisdom and peace are much appreciated.
Until later,
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