Hey folks,
Well, we're less than 2 weeks from takeoff for our adventure. Excitement and some nerves are brewing (mainly about the flight and how Ethan will handle the trip) but I'm sure all will be fine. I have to note that we are approx $550 away from our overall goal of $20,000. That is amazing!
I know i've said it before but THANK-You to everyone for your generosity.
Next weekend my friend, Machu, is coming from California to begin shooting a documentary on our journey. What an amazing opportunity to share the news of this treatment with others. We are very excited!!
Ethan is getting excited about our trip and is ready to tear into all the packages that his aunt/uncle gave him (especially the Buzz Lightyear). As the promise went though, he can't open anything until he's ON the airplane. :-)
Truly going to be the best adventure. We are all pulling for you guys!