My son Ethan has Cerebral Palsy-spastic diplegia.In July 2010 we had an adult stem cell treatment in hopes that our son would get his wish of having as he puts it "New Legs that Work". This blog is our story, adventure and progress.
This Blog is intended to educate as many as possible. Our story is unique as is each story of a special needs child.
Thank you!
Thank you!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas!
Wow...where did the time go? I can't believe its the end of 2011 already and the holiday seasons are upon us again.
Everyone is doing well here and we're all enjoying NO snow this December. Yes, its odd being North Dakota at the end December without 4 feet of snow on the ground but its greatly welcomed. We also can't complain about the beautiful temps we've seen...40 above is just unheard of at Christmas time but again, its EXACTLY what I wanted for Christmas! :-)
Anyhow, I wanted to take the time to thank everyone for their continued support and prayers over the last couple of years. I have to be honest, I've been a little "woe is me" in watching Ethan the last few weeks. While his tone hasn't increased and he's still on the go, his bone twists have become much more evident whereby his feet are now starting to turn inward. It doesn't seem to slow him down at all and he still utilizes his crutches very well but it to a mom, its a definite concern. We're hoping that the surgeons in Mnpls will agree with us as well and agree to do the orthopedic surgery to correct these bony deformities as that will be our only solution for the time being.
Nevertheless, its the comments that are posted on this blog along with the support of my many friends that pull me up by my bootstraps and keep me moving forward. THANK YOU!
To keep this short, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. We will keep you all updated as to our progress as we move into and through 2012.
Until later,
Everyone is doing well here and we're all enjoying NO snow this December. Yes, its odd being North Dakota at the end December without 4 feet of snow on the ground but its greatly welcomed. We also can't complain about the beautiful temps we've seen...40 above is just unheard of at Christmas time but again, its EXACTLY what I wanted for Christmas! :-)
Anyhow, I wanted to take the time to thank everyone for their continued support and prayers over the last couple of years. I have to be honest, I've been a little "woe is me" in watching Ethan the last few weeks. While his tone hasn't increased and he's still on the go, his bone twists have become much more evident whereby his feet are now starting to turn inward. It doesn't seem to slow him down at all and he still utilizes his crutches very well but it to a mom, its a definite concern. We're hoping that the surgeons in Mnpls will agree with us as well and agree to do the orthopedic surgery to correct these bony deformities as that will be our only solution for the time being.
Nevertheless, its the comments that are posted on this blog along with the support of my many friends that pull me up by my bootstraps and keep me moving forward. THANK YOU!
To keep this short, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. We will keep you all updated as to our progress as we move into and through 2012.
Until later,
Friday, November 18, 2011
A Quick Update
Just wanted to pass along a quick update while I had a few minutes. Ethan continues to do well. We will be returning to Mnpls for further surgery (what exactly will be fixed is yet to be TBD) but that will be in early 2012. We're also switching medical teams and will be going to the Shriners Hospital for Children. We are optimistic on what we'll be told needs to be done to get Ethan on his feet and moving forward.
For now, we are gearing up for the holiday season and for 2 very special birthdays. Ethan and his twin sister Ashlee, turn 7 at the beginning of December so the birthday list has been presented and we are getting ready. Other than that, things are going well. Ethan continues to be "independent" fact he told the bus para that he didn't need help getting his backpack and getting off the bus..."I can do it Myself!"... If he keeps up that attitude she jokingly commented she may be out of a job. He holds the flag and helps out in the classroom and is doing quite well at everyday tasks, so overall we are making progress. His bony deformities are the most evident right now and continue to become much more noticeable as he grows. He continues to show no "evident" signs of any seizures associated with Cerebral Palsy--yeah. Somedays I wonder as he has an incredible tendancy to exhibit "selective hearing" and will completely tune you out...however he is also male so I continue to keep that in mind as the most logical answer.
I know this is a short and somewhat non-eventful update however I just wanted to keep folks up to date on where things are at.
Until later...
For now, we are gearing up for the holiday season and for 2 very special birthdays. Ethan and his twin sister Ashlee, turn 7 at the beginning of December so the birthday list has been presented and we are getting ready. Other than that, things are going well. Ethan continues to be "independent" fact he told the bus para that he didn't need help getting his backpack and getting off the bus..."I can do it Myself!"... If he keeps up that attitude she jokingly commented she may be out of a job. He holds the flag and helps out in the classroom and is doing quite well at everyday tasks, so overall we are making progress. His bony deformities are the most evident right now and continue to become much more noticeable as he grows. He continues to show no "evident" signs of any seizures associated with Cerebral Palsy--yeah. Somedays I wonder as he has an incredible tendancy to exhibit "selective hearing" and will completely tune you out...however he is also male so I continue to keep that in mind as the most logical answer.
I know this is a short and somewhat non-eventful update however I just wanted to keep folks up to date on where things are at.
Until later...
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
More suprises
Well Ethan is at it again...this time surprising us all by deciding to take steps all by himself. Granted they are very shaky, small steps but miraculous steps none the less. Below is the video of him attempting (and succeeding) to walk by himself. Small steps will eventually lead to big strides...
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Ethan...NO Running!
Ah, where did our spring and summer go? Yes, it seemed to go as quickly as it arrived. School started on August 26th (or thereabouts) and the kids were off to another adventurous year of education. Ethan and Ashlee were very excited about being 1st graders, Connor was hesitant about being in 3rd grade as the term "homework" now entered his daily vocabulary and task journal. So far however everyone seems to be handling his/her own and doing well-- Ethan in particular seems to taking right off with this teacher--of which I am very thankful for. In fact, right off the get go, he got a 100% on his very 1st spelling test! Yahoo!
Outside of school, its the typical routine and we're still outside playing and on occassion riding bike. Nevertheless, Ethan is becoming quite fluent with his "crunches" (as he calls them) and we are often seen flying around the stores with him in tow... In fact the last 2 times in Wal-mart I found myself saying words I never thought I'd hear myself say... "Ethan Michael Radtke--STOP RUNNING or your in the cart!"... I literally had to stop and repeat that phrase to myself and then looked at my husband and said..."Did I really just say that?" To let you know how that story ended... Ethan opted to NOT stop running and he did run the consequence of riding in the cart (as we would have done to his brother/sister too if it were them)for the short duration of our shopping trip. Bottom line though is that he is mobile, moving and loving it!
We have an appt scheduled at the end of this month to re-do the Gait Analysis Lab in Mnpls so that will tell us what our next orthopedic surgeries will be as we still have some bone twists and muscle lengthenings to deal with. We're hoping the surgeries will be this year yet...With that being said, DisneyWorld will likely be put on hold another year until he can get physically stronger. The kids are bummed but we think it will be the best for everyone... Another summer trip is being planned however as we may take in the Omaha Zoo and some other sites next year.
The rest of the family is maintaining though and not skipping a beat. We again are involved in HOPE Incorporated and went to our 1st fall Soccer game today of which all 3 kids participated. The energy is so great there and I often find myself energized just by watching the kids. As a line in a movie went "I don't need Easy...I just need possible"... these kids portray that statement on a daily basis as they do the things most people never would dream they could do. In addition, HOPE Inc defintely plays a part in the possible piece as well by helping the kids achieve their goals. All in all they are an incredible group to belong to...
Anyhow...I've went on for a while now. Thanks for your continued prayers and support.
Until later,
Outside of school, its the typical routine and we're still outside playing and on occassion riding bike. Nevertheless, Ethan is becoming quite fluent with his "crunches" (as he calls them) and we are often seen flying around the stores with him in tow... In fact the last 2 times in Wal-mart I found myself saying words I never thought I'd hear myself say... "Ethan Michael Radtke--STOP RUNNING or your in the cart!"... I literally had to stop and repeat that phrase to myself and then looked at my husband and said..."Did I really just say that?" To let you know how that story ended... Ethan opted to NOT stop running and he did run the consequence of riding in the cart (as we would have done to his brother/sister too if it were them)for the short duration of our shopping trip. Bottom line though is that he is mobile, moving and loving it!
We have an appt scheduled at the end of this month to re-do the Gait Analysis Lab in Mnpls so that will tell us what our next orthopedic surgeries will be as we still have some bone twists and muscle lengthenings to deal with. We're hoping the surgeries will be this year yet...With that being said, DisneyWorld will likely be put on hold another year until he can get physically stronger. The kids are bummed but we think it will be the best for everyone... Another summer trip is being planned however as we may take in the Omaha Zoo and some other sites next year.
The rest of the family is maintaining though and not skipping a beat. We again are involved in HOPE Incorporated and went to our 1st fall Soccer game today of which all 3 kids participated. The energy is so great there and I often find myself energized just by watching the kids. As a line in a movie went "I don't need Easy...I just need possible"... these kids portray that statement on a daily basis as they do the things most people never would dream they could do. In addition, HOPE Inc defintely plays a part in the possible piece as well by helping the kids achieve their goals. All in all they are an incredible group to belong to...
Anyhow...I've went on for a while now. Thanks for your continued prayers and support.
Until later,
Thursday, July 28, 2011
A call from Washington
I've never considered myself a political person but before my own eyes, I've found myself becoming a lobbiest for Stem cell research. The other day in fact, I received a call from Washington DC. It was one of our ND senator's offices and they had seen Ethan's videos...We're hoping that Ethan's progress will push the funding committee to invest the allotted funds toward adult stem cell research in the near future. We had always joked about us going to capitol hill and now here we are... it might be closer to reality than we realized...or so I hope.
Other than that, we are doing well. Ethan is officially POTTY TRAINED! Yeah!!! Yet another feat that we weren't sure would ever be accomplished but he did it and better yet...he doesn't need any help! Yeah! Anyhow...that's likely tooo much information but it was exciting so I thought I'd share.
I've posted our latest TV interviews...(see below)...enjoy!
Until later...
Other than that, we are doing well. Ethan is officially POTTY TRAINED! Yeah!!! Yet another feat that we weren't sure would ever be accomplished but he did it and better yet...he doesn't need any help! Yeah! Anyhow...that's likely tooo much information but it was exciting so I thought I'd share.
I've posted our latest TV interviews...(see below)...enjoy!
Until later...
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I believe in Miracles--our 1 year anniversary
Where did the year go? Tomorrow is July 15th and it was one year ago that we were in Dusseldorf, Germany waiting for our little miracle to happen. Today we're not waiting any longer as our miracle is here.
I think back to that was a day of many tears. Yes, I was afraid...more afraid of the unknown than anything but I truly think that they were more tears of happiness than anything. The one thing that our child wanted...we were attempting. It wasn't that one toy that your child "HAS" to was something simple...a pair of legs that work. What more could one little boy ask for?
Today... we have a little 6 yr old boy, running (okay...walking very fast) with his crutches. He climbs our playhouse ladder, goes down the slide, kicks the ball with his brother, rides a bike (and wipes out too), he does it all (including gets put on timeouts)... He's an every day run of the mill little boy. He loves the Nintendo DS and the Wii... and more times than not, he loves to pick on his sister (sometimes he sits on her)...
Life is good. Yes, we still have our challenges and his walking pattern might not be "pretty"...but you know what? I don't care. My child is happy & he's successful in reaching his goals at this stage of his life. What more could a parent ask for. We have absolutely no regrets and would do it again in a heartbeat.
Anyhow... today we had 2 news inteviews with FOX and NBC. I'll post them as available. Both went incredibly well and even the news people were astonished at where Ethan is today. He definitely has come out of his shell.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us this past year, we couldn't have made it without your support and prayers.
Until later...Lisa
I think back to that was a day of many tears. Yes, I was afraid...more afraid of the unknown than anything but I truly think that they were more tears of happiness than anything. The one thing that our child wanted...we were attempting. It wasn't that one toy that your child "HAS" to was something simple...a pair of legs that work. What more could one little boy ask for?
Today... we have a little 6 yr old boy, running (okay...walking very fast) with his crutches. He climbs our playhouse ladder, goes down the slide, kicks the ball with his brother, rides a bike (and wipes out too), he does it all (including gets put on timeouts)... He's an every day run of the mill little boy. He loves the Nintendo DS and the Wii... and more times than not, he loves to pick on his sister (sometimes he sits on her)...
Life is good. Yes, we still have our challenges and his walking pattern might not be "pretty"...but you know what? I don't care. My child is happy & he's successful in reaching his goals at this stage of his life. What more could a parent ask for. We have absolutely no regrets and would do it again in a heartbeat.
Anyhow... today we had 2 news inteviews with FOX and NBC. I'll post them as available. Both went incredibly well and even the news people were astonished at where Ethan is today. He definitely has come out of his shell.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us this past year, we couldn't have made it without your support and prayers.
Until later...Lisa
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Summer Time Enjoyment and our Next Steps
June is FINALLY here as is our warmer weather!
The kids are having a great time being outside. Ethan continues to get stronger and its so much fun watching him walk around the backyard doing things this year that we never imagined him ever being able to do. Over the last few weeks in May, he decided to start "walking" down and off the bus steps. He simply got his footing, grabbed the rails and carefully walked off. His bus driver, Lois, was so helpful and made sure that he didn't fall each and every night. She was a God-send! Never the less, the pride that showed on Ethan's face every night was something that made me beam as well..."Look mom--I did it" and then with a headstart, he'd race to the front steps, giggling all the way as he walked with his crutches, leaving poor mom in the dust...
Bike riding has gotten better and our rides are getting longer...hence my "workout". One of Ethan's favorite "games" is to let me get close enough to him; he'll look back; squeal and then put his pedaling into high gear...this game is repeated by the little stinker many times-
Well...our next journey begins in September as we'll be driving to Mnpls for a couple of days to repeat the Gait Lab (we previously had one back in Feb 2010) to determine what surgery needs to be done next. We're suspecting that some bone twists will need to be corrected along with some other orthopedic needs but we'll just have to wait and see what the dr's want to do. Honestly...the thought of driving in the cities gives me an anxiety attack but...we'll make it through as we always have and as one of my friends reminded me of the other day...we won't have to go through customs (which was one of the things I fretted about when we went to Germany last summer--don't ask)... Our only other concern at this point is how surgery will all play into our plans to go to DisneyWorld next year (planned for end of Feb/1st of March)... but will work out and we will cross that bridge when we get there).
Otherwise, life has been more nasty emails/comments since my last post. So I'm hoping it stays that way. After my last post, I had so many supportive comments from friends/supporters--THANK YOU! Those comments mean the world to us.
Well..that's its for now. Have a great summer...Until later..
The kids are having a great time being outside. Ethan continues to get stronger and its so much fun watching him walk around the backyard doing things this year that we never imagined him ever being able to do. Over the last few weeks in May, he decided to start "walking" down and off the bus steps. He simply got his footing, grabbed the rails and carefully walked off. His bus driver, Lois, was so helpful and made sure that he didn't fall each and every night. She was a God-send! Never the less, the pride that showed on Ethan's face every night was something that made me beam as well..."Look mom--I did it" and then with a headstart, he'd race to the front steps, giggling all the way as he walked with his crutches, leaving poor mom in the dust...
Bike riding has gotten better and our rides are getting longer...hence my "workout". One of Ethan's favorite "games" is to let me get close enough to him; he'll look back; squeal and then put his pedaling into high gear...this game is repeated by the little stinker many times-
Well...our next journey begins in September as we'll be driving to Mnpls for a couple of days to repeat the Gait Lab (we previously had one back in Feb 2010) to determine what surgery needs to be done next. We're suspecting that some bone twists will need to be corrected along with some other orthopedic needs but we'll just have to wait and see what the dr's want to do. Honestly...the thought of driving in the cities gives me an anxiety attack but...we'll make it through as we always have and as one of my friends reminded me of the other day...we won't have to go through customs (which was one of the things I fretted about when we went to Germany last summer--don't ask)... Our only other concern at this point is how surgery will all play into our plans to go to DisneyWorld next year (planned for end of Feb/1st of March)... but will work out and we will cross that bridge when we get there).
Otherwise, life has been more nasty emails/comments since my last post. So I'm hoping it stays that way. After my last post, I had so many supportive comments from friends/supporters--THANK YOU! Those comments mean the world to us.
Well..that's its for now. Have a great summer...Until later..
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Finding a bridge over troubled waters
Well, it looks like warm(er)weather has finally decided to come to our area...the kids are having a blast being outside and Ethan is becoming quite fast on his bike...occassionally I even find myself out of breath trying to keep up with him.
Outside of that we all are doing well and keeping in stride. We visited with the orthopedic surgeon yesterday and have some decisions coming up in regards to next steps and handling Ethan's hamstrings. More updates will likely follow in the next few weeks.
The last few weeks have been tough for me in particular. With some changes (not all details are known), the clinic we visited in Germany has closed. Some say temporary; some say permanent. Thankfully none of the known reasons include health risks but turn towards more political & ethical ventures.
Needless to say, people have been taking it upon themselves to gobble up the "scandal" and to suddenly become 'experts' on the topic. Labels such as "pathetic", "desperate" & "Suckers" have been placed on many parent(s) who have taken their child for treatment at the associated clinic.
In the last few days, I've received some harsh emails-none of which I have commented back on but instead have deleted; one comment regarding my son directly and one questioning how I can call myself a good mother. Both very hurtful. I realized that when we went into this adventure, that it was full of controversy but in turn it frustrates me when people like to comment in such a manner without knowing all the facts. In the end, I'm looking it as an opportunity to learn how to be a stronger/wiser person and as a chance to develop that "thick skin" everyone talks about.
Overall, whatever the case, what I can say is that my wonderful son has IMPROVED SIGNIFICANTLY and is enjoying life more than ever--thanks to the treatment. Neither myself nor my husband have any regrets.
What amazes me even more is that people are continuing to seek treatment and while the door to Germany may have closed, parents are continuing to seek opportunities to go to elsewhere to have their loved ones treated in hopes of seeing improvement. They will not give up and for that they have my full admiration and support.
That's about it for now but again, prayers & support are much appreciated as we lumber though this time of uncertainty and craziness.
Outside of that we all are doing well and keeping in stride. We visited with the orthopedic surgeon yesterday and have some decisions coming up in regards to next steps and handling Ethan's hamstrings. More updates will likely follow in the next few weeks.
The last few weeks have been tough for me in particular. With some changes (not all details are known), the clinic we visited in Germany has closed. Some say temporary; some say permanent. Thankfully none of the known reasons include health risks but turn towards more political & ethical ventures.
Needless to say, people have been taking it upon themselves to gobble up the "scandal" and to suddenly become 'experts' on the topic. Labels such as "pathetic", "desperate" & "Suckers" have been placed on many parent(s) who have taken their child for treatment at the associated clinic.
In the last few days, I've received some harsh emails-none of which I have commented back on but instead have deleted; one comment regarding my son directly and one questioning how I can call myself a good mother. Both very hurtful. I realized that when we went into this adventure, that it was full of controversy but in turn it frustrates me when people like to comment in such a manner without knowing all the facts. In the end, I'm looking it as an opportunity to learn how to be a stronger/wiser person and as a chance to develop that "thick skin" everyone talks about.
Overall, whatever the case, what I can say is that my wonderful son has IMPROVED SIGNIFICANTLY and is enjoying life more than ever--thanks to the treatment. Neither myself nor my husband have any regrets.
What amazes me even more is that people are continuing to seek treatment and while the door to Germany may have closed, parents are continuing to seek opportunities to go to elsewhere to have their loved ones treated in hopes of seeing improvement. They will not give up and for that they have my full admiration and support.
That's about it for now but again, prayers & support are much appreciated as we lumber though this time of uncertainty and craziness.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Happy Spring!
Well, it looks as though after much ado, Spring has finally arrived to North Dakota. Things have been going well and we continue to see positive changes and growth in Ethan. For the 1st time in his life, he's able to ride a bike. We were fortunate enough to have additional funds in Ethan's "Germany" account whereby we purchased a special bike that he was comfortable on and supported his needs. He picked out a lime green bike, with a little basket in the back that he can put things in. A video of his very 1st time can be seen below. That was on a Sunday he rode 1.5 blocks while we took a walk along side him..He loves it! Now, all we need to get is some Toy Story decals to put on the bike and we'll be really set.
Outside of that, Ethan has decided to learn how to climb a ladder and proceeded to climb up the 5 rung ladder into our playhouse and then went down the slide (on his tummy) all by himself. Of course mom was having a heart-attack just waiting for a fall but as Ethan put it... "mom, I can do it--SEE???!!!" He's having a blast with his new found freedoms and the smile on his face really shows it.
In addition, he's growing like crazy as it seems I'm buying him new jeans all the time (my husband is convinced I'm just shrinking them). Its fun to see him stretching out and moving out of that "little boy" phase.
We see the orthopedic surgeon in mid-May regarding Ethan's progress and will be discussing Hamstring surgery as Ethan's hamstrings are still short from the past tone in his legs. Stretching helps some but will likely not be enough to get him stretched out to where he really needs to be in order to stand up straight and without support. For the time being however, he continues to get faster and faster with his crutches and his footing too has showing improvement over the last few months.
We're truly excited to see what the summer months bring...Stay Tuned! :-)
Well..that's its for now. Until later..
Outside of that, Ethan has decided to learn how to climb a ladder and proceeded to climb up the 5 rung ladder into our playhouse and then went down the slide (on his tummy) all by himself. Of course mom was having a heart-attack just waiting for a fall but as Ethan put it... "mom, I can do it--SEE???!!!" He's having a blast with his new found freedoms and the smile on his face really shows it.
In addition, he's growing like crazy as it seems I'm buying him new jeans all the time (my husband is convinced I'm just shrinking them). Its fun to see him stretching out and moving out of that "little boy" phase.
We see the orthopedic surgeon in mid-May regarding Ethan's progress and will be discussing Hamstring surgery as Ethan's hamstrings are still short from the past tone in his legs. Stretching helps some but will likely not be enough to get him stretched out to where he really needs to be in order to stand up straight and without support. For the time being however, he continues to get faster and faster with his crutches and his footing too has showing improvement over the last few months.
We're truly excited to see what the summer months bring...Stay Tuned! :-)
Well..that's its for now. Until later..
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Snow, Spring and more Snow
Well, I can't believe the last "actual" update was February 6th! Wow--where does time go?
Ethan continues to do well! He has grown so much that its getting hard to carry him very far. He's getting extremely long and lanky. Its kind of fun to see his pants get shorter and shorter.
It seems that Spring will never arrive as we've had some nice weather with considerable melting and then mother nature decides that its not quite time for green grass and flowers and delivers another few inches of snow. Ethan is patiently waiting for the sidewalks to clear so that he can get out and play. He has informed us on a number of occassions that we can get rid of the wagon this year as he will be riding his bike and NOT in the wagon like other years. He makes me laugh and I can't help but admire his determined behavior. Needless to say we still have to get him a bike but have been waiting so not to torture the poor boy with having to simply "look" at his bike in the garage vs. riding it.
We also had another wonderful opportunity as a 3rd grade class from Henning MN interviewed me about Ethan. Based upon the Forum newspaper article they chose to write an essay on Ethan and what its like to have a disability. The essay is also part of a competition. The kids all wrote Ethan (and myself) "thank you" cards and included lots of words of encouragement... It was awesome and I can't wait to read the final story in April.
Other than that, its been life as we know it. Lots of therapy, lots of work and TONS of determination. Our goal is still on target for Disney World next year (feb/march) and we are sooo excited. Ethan has set yet another goal for himself and that is to take his first independent steps at Disney World... time will tell if he'll accomplish that goal but with lots of determination and work, I wouldn't disregard the thought that he'll be able to do it. He is a true trooper!
Thanks for everyone's continued prayers, emails and encouragement--Its truly appreciated.
Well..that's its for now. Until later..
Ethan continues to do well! He has grown so much that its getting hard to carry him very far. He's getting extremely long and lanky. Its kind of fun to see his pants get shorter and shorter.
It seems that Spring will never arrive as we've had some nice weather with considerable melting and then mother nature decides that its not quite time for green grass and flowers and delivers another few inches of snow. Ethan is patiently waiting for the sidewalks to clear so that he can get out and play. He has informed us on a number of occassions that we can get rid of the wagon this year as he will be riding his bike and NOT in the wagon like other years. He makes me laugh and I can't help but admire his determined behavior. Needless to say we still have to get him a bike but have been waiting so not to torture the poor boy with having to simply "look" at his bike in the garage vs. riding it.
We also had another wonderful opportunity as a 3rd grade class from Henning MN interviewed me about Ethan. Based upon the Forum newspaper article they chose to write an essay on Ethan and what its like to have a disability. The essay is also part of a competition. The kids all wrote Ethan (and myself) "thank you" cards and included lots of words of encouragement... It was awesome and I can't wait to read the final story in April.
Other than that, its been life as we know it. Lots of therapy, lots of work and TONS of determination. Our goal is still on target for Disney World next year (feb/march) and we are sooo excited. Ethan has set yet another goal for himself and that is to take his first independent steps at Disney World... time will tell if he'll accomplish that goal but with lots of determination and work, I wouldn't disregard the thought that he'll be able to do it. He is a true trooper!
Thanks for everyone's continued prayers, emails and encouragement--Its truly appreciated.
Well..that's its for now. Until later..
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Milestones, Interviews and more...
Hello everyone,
This past week was another busy week for us with a few unexpected opportunities and some 1st time events.
The week started out with Ethan staying home due to not feeling real well. It was nice to have him home with me for the day and in between working at home that day, we had some much missed snuggle time. Needless to say, after a few home-made chocolate chip cookies, he started to perk up and felt better by evening. As Ethan put it... "Mom...can I have 2 cookies? Cuz I'm really sick and they will make me feel better cuz you put love in them"... Who could resist that line so yes...he got the cookies.
The rest of the week went pretty smooth until Thrs when a friend of mine from MN called me (They too are schedule to go to the Xcell Center)and asked if I would share our story with a KSTP Channel 5 in Minneapolis. I was honored to share the spotlight with her and immediately agreed. So on Friday, I conducted a phone interview with KSTP...The story aired that night.
Also on Friday, Ethan was interviewed again by the Fargo Forum. We had to laugh as while it was after school and his sister was home; he quickly dismissed her to the basement and added "Just until after my interview, then we can play Wii"... We are anxiously awaiting the new story to come out and will post the link here.
Yesterday, Ethan decided to do a few 1sts... He went bowling for the 1st time ever (not counting Wii Bowling)and tied with his cousin Lauren...he was pretty excited about the 2 spares and 1 strike he got and he was just as excited when his sister, Ashlee got a strike as well. Then, he walked up stairs with his crutches...He also stood for 3 seconds last night and has been moving around furniture like crazy. At times however I have seen what appears to be the want to take independent steps--we just haven't seen him do it; but you can tell the thought is there.
Outside of that; Ethan continues to walk more and more with his crutches every day. He walks with them while shopping; in school; at church; and in the house...he loves the feel of independence and he's even getting really good at opening doors with them as well as turning the TV on/off. He can even go backwards!
We are anxiously awaiting for some of the snow to melt and for spring to arrive. The kids are getting antsy to ride bike and to be outside again. As spring nears, Ethan will get his own bike as well as a helmet/pads for the 1st time. He's desperately wanting a Toy Story 3 bike so I guess we'll see what we can find. :-)
As always...thank you to everyone, for the continued prayers and thoughts, they are being heard and felt--keep them coming. :-)
Well..that's its for now. Until later..
This past week was another busy week for us with a few unexpected opportunities and some 1st time events.
The week started out with Ethan staying home due to not feeling real well. It was nice to have him home with me for the day and in between working at home that day, we had some much missed snuggle time. Needless to say, after a few home-made chocolate chip cookies, he started to perk up and felt better by evening. As Ethan put it... "Mom...can I have 2 cookies? Cuz I'm really sick and they will make me feel better cuz you put love in them"... Who could resist that line so yes...he got the cookies.
The rest of the week went pretty smooth until Thrs when a friend of mine from MN called me (They too are schedule to go to the Xcell Center)and asked if I would share our story with a KSTP Channel 5 in Minneapolis. I was honored to share the spotlight with her and immediately agreed. So on Friday, I conducted a phone interview with KSTP...The story aired that night.
Also on Friday, Ethan was interviewed again by the Fargo Forum. We had to laugh as while it was after school and his sister was home; he quickly dismissed her to the basement and added "Just until after my interview, then we can play Wii"... We are anxiously awaiting the new story to come out and will post the link here.
Yesterday, Ethan decided to do a few 1sts... He went bowling for the 1st time ever (not counting Wii Bowling)and tied with his cousin Lauren...he was pretty excited about the 2 spares and 1 strike he got and he was just as excited when his sister, Ashlee got a strike as well. Then, he walked up stairs with his crutches...He also stood for 3 seconds last night and has been moving around furniture like crazy. At times however I have seen what appears to be the want to take independent steps--we just haven't seen him do it; but you can tell the thought is there.
Outside of that; Ethan continues to walk more and more with his crutches every day. He walks with them while shopping; in school; at church; and in the house...he loves the feel of independence and he's even getting really good at opening doors with them as well as turning the TV on/off. He can even go backwards!
We are anxiously awaiting for some of the snow to melt and for spring to arrive. The kids are getting antsy to ride bike and to be outside again. As spring nears, Ethan will get his own bike as well as a helmet/pads for the 1st time. He's desperately wanting a Toy Story 3 bike so I guess we'll see what we can find. :-)
As always...thank you to everyone, for the continued prayers and thoughts, they are being heard and felt--keep them coming. :-)
Well..that's its for now. Until later..
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Ethan's new legs...that work
Hello everyone,
Sorry I haven't updated our blog for a while but its been a little bit of a whirlwind lately with all of Christmas activities.
Well I'm not one for suspense...and from the title of my entry...I'm sure your wondering what news I'll be passing along to you so i'll pass along the news.
Ethan decided that he's had enough of his walker and started using his crutches this past week. He was scared to death the 1st time but a few days later decided to walk across the room a few times with them and all with complete ease. Yesterday in school, he continued to practice too in the hallways. The excitement that he unmeasurable. He still uses his walker and chair to get around longer distances but his walking is sooo much nicer with his crutches as he has to go slower than he does with his walker.
Needless to say, I've been in touch with our travel agent about starting to plan for the much promised trip to Disney World next year (2012). The kids are sooo excited.
Who would have thought that just a few short months ago Ethan was in a wheelchair and today...using crutches. Miraculous...
We also joined up with a local group called HOPE INC (watch the January 2nd episode of Extreme Home Makeover to get to know the family who heads the group and what HOPE Inc is.)...
Last Saturday we played Sled Hockey for the 1st time...Connor and Ashlee too got to participate. Mom pushed the sled for an hour and thought I was going to bed ridden the next day due to sore legs but...overall it was a blast and weather permitting we'll be back this Saturday. Ethan and Connor had a great time-Ethan scored 3x and Connor 1x...Ashlee wasn't too sure about it.
Our journey truly continues... Ethan continues to make definite progress. His tone reduction has been compared to that of what one might see with after having a rhizotomy surgery... He still likes to pull up on his toes a bit but we are confident that with stretching and strength building some of that should be resolved however due to short hamstrings, we may have to have a hamstring lengthening surgery in the future but we'll cross that bridge when we get there...For now, we are thrilled with the progress Ethan has made and continue to see daily miracles.
That's all for now...stay tuned!
Sorry I haven't updated our blog for a while but its been a little bit of a whirlwind lately with all of Christmas activities.
Well I'm not one for suspense...and from the title of my entry...I'm sure your wondering what news I'll be passing along to you so i'll pass along the news.
Ethan decided that he's had enough of his walker and started using his crutches this past week. He was scared to death the 1st time but a few days later decided to walk across the room a few times with them and all with complete ease. Yesterday in school, he continued to practice too in the hallways. The excitement that he unmeasurable. He still uses his walker and chair to get around longer distances but his walking is sooo much nicer with his crutches as he has to go slower than he does with his walker.
Needless to say, I've been in touch with our travel agent about starting to plan for the much promised trip to Disney World next year (2012). The kids are sooo excited.
Who would have thought that just a few short months ago Ethan was in a wheelchair and today...using crutches. Miraculous...
We also joined up with a local group called HOPE INC (watch the January 2nd episode of Extreme Home Makeover to get to know the family who heads the group and what HOPE Inc is.)...
Last Saturday we played Sled Hockey for the 1st time...Connor and Ashlee too got to participate. Mom pushed the sled for an hour and thought I was going to bed ridden the next day due to sore legs but...overall it was a blast and weather permitting we'll be back this Saturday. Ethan and Connor had a great time-Ethan scored 3x and Connor 1x...Ashlee wasn't too sure about it.
Our journey truly continues... Ethan continues to make definite progress. His tone reduction has been compared to that of what one might see with after having a rhizotomy surgery... He still likes to pull up on his toes a bit but we are confident that with stretching and strength building some of that should be resolved however due to short hamstrings, we may have to have a hamstring lengthening surgery in the future but we'll cross that bridge when we get there...For now, we are thrilled with the progress Ethan has made and continue to see daily miracles.
That's all for now...stay tuned!
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