Ethan continues to grow, mature and reach milestones we never thought we'd see. Yes, we have had some "bumps" in the road, whether its been growth spurts causing extra tightness or whether its been some developing behaviors, the last few months have been far from easy or perfect. Never less, we have survived and we've gone on, despite concerning questions of "if", "how" and "why"... We have survived.
As a mom, dealing with a special needs child has been hard. It's not just a bonus of having a special handicap parking's the therapy appts, it's the multiple dr's appts, it's having your home taken up by special equipment, it's wondering where and how each medical bill will be paid for and at times it's dealing with the stares and whispers of others. I always said "there is no way I could have a special needs kid!" And here I am, not mothering one of them but 2. Our oldest son has ADHD/ODD as well, which can be an even more daunting challenge some days.
I have sat back many a time wondering ..."Why me? Why 2? What did I do?"... For those of you that know me, I have been known to have no patience before having children. I have pondered those questions for 8 years now, and while I still don't have clear cut answers, I do know more than I used to...I've learned to be a better mom and I've learned to find the silver lining in life (no matter how dark the cloud seems to be)...I have met so many other incredible mothers and fathers who bring out the best in me, I've also discovered the best friend a girl could ask for who listens, laughs and scary enough--UNDERSTANDS me. Finally, I have been given so many opportunities to give back to others which is the most rewarding thing one can do.
In short, I've grown and developed into so much more than what I could have ever dreamed and all because of my 2 special needs kids...I am truly blessed.
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