This Blog is intended to educate as many as possible. Our story is unique as is each story of a special needs child.

Thank you!


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 2-Marrow Extraction

Today we started early as our appt was at 9 a.m. The driver from the center was at the hotel by 8:30 and off we went. We were immediately taken to the appropriate floor and the anesthesiologist took James and Ethan back to the procedure room. I stayed in the lobby and waited until James came back out approx 5 minutes later. From that point we sat maybe 15 minutes and they wheeled Ethan out to the recovery room where they woke him up and got him moving. He wasn't very happy about the IV and loudly spoke his mind about it too. The dr jokingly said he thought he lost some hearing because of his screaming... :) As a result, they left the IV in so they can reuse it on Thrs without having to re-poke him. We had them make it into a makeshift type cast as Ethan has been known to pull IVs out in the past. So along with that we explained that if he keeps it in, they won't have to poke him again on Thrs; that too offered some incentive for him. :) So we are done for today, just resting and watching movies before heading out tomorrow to the Aquazoo and more train rides.
Next & final step is our appt on Thrs which has been changed to 10:30 vs 9 a.m.! :)

Lisa, James & Ethan

1 comment:

  1. WHEW! Glad tht's over! Hopefully he keeps the IV in! Enjoy the Aquazoo! Hope the Thursday appointment goes well! Thanks for the updates!! John and Sue
